Monday, January 5, 2009

Battle Report

Played a game vs Wong this week. He was using Ogre kingdoms and I was playing the High Elves. This game went very well for me. The ogres basically could not deal with the 4 repeater bolt throwers. By the time he reached my ranks the White Lions and Sword Masters were able to clean up everything that was left. Wizard rolled a 5 for magic which was pretty cool as a rip spell. It was a little better cause I think Wong kept forgetting to dispel it so it got up to str 6 hits which was rather nice. Spearmen got run down on a flee move so that was kinda sad but all in all it was a solid game.

Result: Win

Overall Record: 4-1-1
Vs Wong : 3-1-1
Vs Hoj : 1-0
Vs Orcs : 2-0-1
Vs Dark Elves : 0-1-0
Vs Ogre Kingdoms : 2-0-0

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