It has finally happened Warhammer Fantasy has come out from the shadows and seems to be alive and well. First off Wong has recruited a new member to the group for gaming who is going to play Chaos which is cool. Wong has decided to start an Orc army with all the models he has recieved from Hoj. Jon will be raising up the Tomb Kings again no pun intended. Older Wong I assume will put his brothers Dark Elf army to good use especially considering he is obsessed with his Black Guard on WAR. Then there is Hoj where you need to roll a dice and consult the randomn events chart to see what army that he is going to be playing. Finally, there is me who will be going with High Elves.
I played three games this weekend. The units I liked from this weekend were my White Lions and my Spearmen. Im not even going to say bolt throwers because who doesnt like using them in an elf army. The units that i am on the fence about are the chariots, i tried out both kinds and a second wizard. The units that I am going to exclude are the prince on the dragon and the great eagle.
Little recap of the game. First game was vs Hoj who was playing Ogres. First couple of turns he was really beating me up. I was just not doing enough damage to really do anything. Then my Prince on a dragon started tearing shit up in his back field. He literally killed 90 percent of Hoj's army.
Result : Win
Second game was vs Wong fielding the orcs. This was a good fight but Im a little hazy on a ton of details. Highlight for him though was a stone thrower unit killing my Prince who got knocked off the dragon by running them down. Apparently a Prince cant fight in close combat with lance on foot lol. (Charge) White lions were starting to emerge as my favorite unit. My chariot did really bad in this game and it made me kinda mad.
Result : Win
Third game was also vs Wong andthe orcs in a rematch. This game was the best of the three. I had switched some stuff up and the Prince and dragon were gone. Added another unit of spearmen, battle standard bearer, and Wizard. The lion chariot was alos dropped and I added in two of the other chariots. This game was all about a combat in the middle of the field a unit of two orcs one on the flank vs a unit of white lions. This is when I fell in love with that unit. Stubborn is so solid in Fantasy it is not even funny. Lets also not forget that Great Weapons striking first is also really solid. It probably took 5 turns of combat and the first unit of orcs was gone and damage was done to the second. I was finally able to get a unit of spearmen over there to help out and they did not help, they made the lions kill nothing lol. At this point there were only like 3 lions left tops and no champ. So they both ran but those lions fought hard as hell. I dont know how I feel about elf magic since it really doesnt do damage, the rerolls are nice but kinda situational.
Result : TIE